The Death of Influence

Since the end of WW2, US influence throughout the world has been pervasive, accepted, and even entreated.  Various world events now are piling that into a coffin and Trump is…

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Reopening the country without appropriate protective gear and strategies will endanger lives more than is necessary.  For those who choose this, such as the Michigan protesters, it is their risk…

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The Cost of Preparedness

The lack of US preparedness for the coronavirus pandemic has been shameful and unnerving.  On the policy side, it started with Trump ignoring plans given to him during his transition…

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10 National Issues (Parts 9 & 10)

Here is the final installment. Foreign policy.  As the only current world superpower and arguably with the strongest economy and government system, what is the US’ role in the world? …

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10 National Issues (Parts 7 & 8)

The next to last installment. Information age issues – truth, privacy, and foreign intrusion.  The internet and social media are having fundamental effects on all aspects of society.  Its presence…

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10 National Issues (Parts 2-4)

Herein are the next 3 parts of the continuing discussion. Economic inequities, poverty, and taxes.  There are about 18 Million millionaires in the US and the top 1% of wealth-holders…

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Simpler Tax, Balanced Budget. Can we fix our byzantine tax code and the national deficit?  Many states already have balanced budget requirements, why can’t the Feds?  Maybe debt is good…

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