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The NRA funded over $2 Million last year for high school shooting clubs.  There are more guns in America than people.  US gun violence is 50 times that of the UK, 60 times China, and 100 times Japan.  Our children are being slaughtered, 77% of the population wants better gun control, but our politicians do nothing, or worse, go backwards.    

Congress remains paralyzed because Congress has a spine disease.  Their latest political dodge is that we don’t have a gun problem, we have a mental health problem.  We have both.  They are paid to do nothing (see below).  Yes, people who shoot children in schools are crazy, but they would certainly do less damage without automatic weapons.  And since we do have a mental health problem, why is help for it so underfunded?

Congress and many others hide behind the Second Amendment.  There are at least two flaws with their argument.  First, it is inconceivable that the Second Amendment authors would have wanted today’s situation.   This is a good argument against originalist interpretation of the Constitution.  The intent of our forefathers was to allow private militia formation to fight government tyranny if needed.  Made sense then, but not now.  Second, the Second Amendment can easily survive without gun insanity. 

Here’s a good example of paid-off politician insanity (Marco Rubio ($9,900 from the NRA in 2016) “Town Meeting”, February 21, in response to an audience pleading for action.).  “I’m reconsidering my position… on [automatic weapon] ammo clip size…I’ll consider a smaller size.  Although that won’t prevent an attack, it will at least reduce the number of casualties.”  New deck chairs for the Titanic.  If only our politicians would apply their creativity to real action rather than to the appearance of action.  Isn’t it amazing that Rubio would let himself sound so stupid for $10K?

Back to the NRA.  In 2016 the NRA spent $58 Million buying politicians for gun insanity – $1 Million of direct political contributions, $3 Million for lobbying, and $54 Million of dark money (PACs, 501c, etc. thanks to the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision).  This is actually a small amount if you think about it.  It shows how cheaply our politicians can be bought.  Why can’t a few fat cats (celebrities, silicon valley moguls, etc.) neutralize the NRA by outspending in the opposite direction?  A typical NRA direct contribution is under $10K, so let the fat cats offer a candidate $20K to promote gun control.  If the NRA responds by upping the ante, the totals are still pocket change for the moguls so they should keep calling the bet until the NRA is bankrupt.  It all comes down to money.  We can do all of this while citizens still have guns, just without bump stocks and assault rifles, which have no purpose except to kill people more easily or for range entertainment. 

While the moguls are bankrupting the NRA, perhaps the rest of us can also help the cause at home.  Tone down video games.  It’s not hard to imagine how their realistic carnage can make borderline boys want to try it for real.  Tone down the movie violence.  (They are probably made by the same boys.)   More dialogue, less blood.  Although freedom of expression should preclude censoring movies and video games, we can at least try our best to make them financially unrewarding.

In the meantime, let’s hope the Parkland school kids can get a national rally started that will finally wake up the politicians.  After all, they are the most at risk and let them make the world they inherit better. Go kids!  Don’t let them give you the runaround.